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10 Helpful Habits for Students


So you think you can cram four months of lessons in one night? Here's the thing, you can't. Or maybe you can, it's not one method fits all. However, if you want those lessons to stick with you for the long run, then look no further, you're at the right spot. Developing good student habits can help you keep track of your busy school life, and learn your lessons efficiently and effectively. To help you be the best version of yourself, we've compiled together ten of the most successful student habits to help you in your studies and life!

1. Get Organized.

It doesn't hurt to make a plan and set a schedule ahead of time. Keep yourself on top of things. Get that planner now and keep track of your tasks, schedule, and notes. Not a fan of writing down your notes or schedule? Try organizing them using a mobile application on your phone or on your computer. It can be as simple as utilizing the calendar on your phone or downloading productivity applications on your mobile phone. Still hesitant? You can also try out online websites such as Notion or Trello, these websites help you manage your tasks, schedules, and projects.

2. Find a Study Group.

Studying with a group of people about the same topic can help with retention and help you avoid procrastinating. Although studying alone can be good and productive, you can't deny that there are times when you don't feel like studying. To help yourself from procrastinating, set group study sessions with your friends or with a study buddy. Surrounding yourself with the right group of people every now and then can help in boosting your performance.

3. Take Notes.

Taking notes during classes or when you are studying helps in memory retention. Develop your own note-taking methods to make it more efficient and effective, it can be as easy as using different colored pens to highlight a certain word or topic or making your own illustration/diagram for a certain topic. Don't forget to write down the topics your lecturer focuses on and the topics that you have a hard time understanding. Reviewing becomes easier and you don't forget to inquire about topics you don't understand when you write them down.

4. Sleep and Rest.

A good night's rest helps one's focus and memory. The brain is an organ, and just like any other organ, it needs proper care to be able to function well. Don't skimp out on your rest days and sleeping hours and try to "study more". Listen to your body, it can only take such amount of use. Overworking yourself is not the way to go, overworking leads to burnout. You don't want yourself feeling tired and lethargic all the time, so get that needed sleep!

5. Ask Questions.

Classrooms are made for learning. Don't be afraid to raise your hand and ask questions or clarification for topics you don't understand. You may think that this would be something that students do frequently, but there are a lot of students who settle for clarifying things by themselves instead of asking the teacher, and that's not a bad thing either. But think of this, aside from clarifying muddy topics, you can develop your confidence and public speaking skills by raising questions in class. So why not do both? Ask questions and learn how to search for the answers by yourself.

6. Learning Method.

Learning is not a one type fits all thing. There are people who learn through reading, some through watching, and others through practice. Explore different ways of learning and find which suits you best. Whether you are visual, auditory, written, kinesthetic, or a multimodal learner. Knowing what works best for you can help you in your studies.

7. Learn outside the class.

Knowledge and skills can be picked up anywhere at any time thanks to the internet. Pick up skills and learn new things that interest you outside of the comfort of your classroom. These skills can help you in the future, as well as help you realize and focus on the things that you are interested in and want to pursue in your future careers. It's not bad to have a trick or two under your sleeve!

8. Break Tasks.

Feeling overwhelmed? Break that big project into smaller tasks and start working on it from the small tasks up. This makes you feel motivated to work on the said task as you finish each small task with ease. Or you can go the opposite direction and work on the harder tasks first to get them out of the way. See what works for you. Everything becomes easier along the way, don't fret, and trust yourself.

9. Learning Curve.

Learn from your mistakes. Whether it be choosing the wrong method of learning or deciding to cram everything overnight. Everybody has a learning curve, we all get better over time. You might not get it on your first try, but with consistent and dedicated practice, you are sure to improve over time, getting better along the way. So don't feel frustrated when things don't work out the first time, Rome was not built on a single day.

10. Exercise.

A 15-minute exercise every day makes a whole lot of difference, physically and mentally. It doesn't have to be something complicated, it can be as simple as jogging or walking. Or a simple 15-minute walk to and from school. You don't need a gym membership, you can do a lot of things outside or inside your home with yourself. So go get that fresh air and happy hormones! Those are the top ten good student habits to emulate. You can go and try these yourselves, but remember to adjust this according to your own personal characteristics, to each their own. Happy studying!


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